Here instructors may perform actions on the roster, including printing the sign-in sheet, emailing registered users, adding users, and withdrawing users or moving users to another session.

Instructors may use the following options to manage users on the roster.



Print Sign-In Sheet

Allows instructor to open and print the sign-in sheet for all users currently in a “registered” status.

Email Registered Users

Opens the WYSIWIG email editor and allows instructor to create and format the email which goes to all enrolled users on the roster.

Add Users

Opens the Select User window, where users may be found and added to the session roster. Users already registered or pending registration cannot be selected.

Withdraw / Move Users

Opens the Batch Window or Move users window, where users may be withdrawn from the session. Once, withdrawn users will no longer appear on the active roster.

To view these users the “Show

Withdrawn/Removed Users” checkbox must be checked. Graphical user interface, application, Word 
Description automatically generated 

Additionally, there are options for each user available





In the Post Comment popup enter the freeform text of the comment desired to be added for the user. Any existing comments will appear below the comment entry box giving the name of the person who provided the comment and the date added. These may be removed as well by clicking the trashcan icon.



Simply displays the history log of updates to the user’s roster record for this session.


Remove User


Removes (withdraws) the user from the roster.