• Repeat the steps to locate the ILT Event and Session desired and click Roster.
  • On the Session Roster interface, select the Attendance and Scoring tab. The Attendance and Scoring table displays attendance related information for each user that is registered for the session.
  1. Attendance – check this box to indicate the user’s attendance.
  2. Score – enter the user’s score if applicable.
  3. Pass – ensure checked if the user’s score was passing (uncheck if not).
  4. PLEASE NOTE: If the user had a passing score OR passed by attendance and no score is needed, ensure that the ‘pass’ option is checked for all attendees. If they did not pass OR did not attend, uncheck the ‘pass’ box.
  5. Session Completion – by default this is session end date, however, it may be modified by clicking Edit.

  • Click the Save button at the bottom right corner of the page.

  • At this point, the information has been saved but the roster has not been submitted for completion. The user will still appear on the roster as Registered.


  • To submit attendance information for the roster and update the user’s status to “completed”, click the Submit Roster for Completed Users button.

    ATTN: Once the Submit Roster button is selected, Attendance, Scoring and Pass status will NOT be editable for users with a status of “Completed”. ONLY users on the roster whose status is not “completed” may be updated.