Universal Profile

Click your name to access your Universal Profile.

Click on View Team. A flyout window will appear from the left side of the screen.

If you have managers on your team, you can also drill down to see any subordinates in your reporting hierarchy. 

Click the name of the person you wish to view. This takes you to their Universal Profile. You can access different areas of the system for your subordinate from here.  


From the Snapshot area, you can view any competency assessments that your subordinates have taken or view any development plans they have in progress or completed. Click the corresponding tiles to view.

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From the subordinate’s Universal Profile, click Transcript to view their SLU transcript. 

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Quick Tip: To view a subordinate’s transcript, you can also navigate to your transcript from the main SLU home page, then click View Team and select the person you wish to view.

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From the transcript page, you can see what training your subordinate is currently taking or has completed in the past. 

To switch between in progress training and completed training, click the Training Status menu and toggle between Active and Completed. You can also view any Archived training as well. 

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As a manager, you can view training details for items on your subordinate’s transcript, see the status of their training items, such as registered, in progress, or past due, and view any due dates. 

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You can also Assign Training directly to a subordinate by going to their transcript and clicking Assign Training. If you want to assign one training to multiple subordinates or learn more about assigning training, go to the Assign Training section of this guide. 

You can also export the Transcript to a PDF, if needed.

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