Security Role Administration

The following section provides the steps necessary to add the Org Admin role to other users within your organization. 

Adding & Removing the Org Admin Permission

  1. From the Welcome page, click Manage Users on the Quick Links Toolbar.

  1. OR you can also access from the Navigation menu by clicking the icon at the top right.  Click Admin on the main toolbar by clicking the icon at the top right 

  2. Then click on Users.

  1. On the Users page, type in the last and/or first name and click on the Search button. You can view all staff by leaving all fields blank and clicking on the Search button.

3.    Locate and select the desired user by clicking on the name to view the individual’s User Record.

  1. Click on the Edit Record button. 

  1. Click on the arrow to display the custom field section of the user’s record. 



  1. Select the CEO Delegate box to add the Org Admin permission. 

  1. Deselect the CPO Delegate box to remove the Org Admin permission.

  1. Click on the Save button to save selection and Cancel button to cancel selection (located at bottom of page). 

IMPORTANT NOTE: It may take a few hours for the user to gain access to the Org Admin functionality. Please have them check back later, up to 6 hours.