1. To edit a playlist is simple. To start, click the title to access the playlist details.

2. To edit the description, click on “Edit” in the description box then type in your edits.

3. To add training to your playlist, follow these instructions:

Adding Trainings from the catalog to your playlist.

  • Begin by typing the name of the training you want to add in the Search Catalog box. A list of trainings that match will populate. Click on the training you want to add to the playlist and then click the Add to Playlist button. Please note, you will need to click the Add to Playlist button after you select each training.
  • The catalog is structured by school and the content is aligned to the school.
  • If you are an executive that is creating a Playlist that you want to share with your colleagues, those trainings that live outside of the School of Executives or the individuals that are not aligned to the School of Executives will not be able to see those trainings.
  • Please note: All content aligned to both the School of Resources Development and the School of Youth Development is available to everyone.

4. To delete a training from your playlist, click the “X” in the box of the training title.