This job aid details how to run an individual’s transcript report by using the custom filtering options to report additional transcript data. The example below demonstrates how to track training hours.


Accessing Your Transcript

From your SLU Welcome page, click the My Transcript icon in the quick links section.


Description: P5C3T1#yIS1




From your Transcript screen, click the options button (...) and then click Add External Training from the dropdown menu. Please note that the ‘View Team’ may not be visible to everyone.

Description: P12C7T1#yIS1



You will be brought to the screen below where you can select the criteria for your report. Please be sure to select all filtering options highlighted below to capture all relevant information, ie training hours.

Description: P18C10T1#yIS1





Click the ‘Run Report’ button to export your transcript.



Once exported, you will then find the additional filtering options displayed on your transcript. Training hours are available for all Academy Learning Credit (ALC) accredited training offerings.